Project Statement

The destination I chose was Mirror Lake Eatery, a place filled with traditional comfort food. While walking from Hayes to the eatery, I realized how nice the scenery and the ambience were. With trees and shade all around me, I was protected from the hot rays of the sun, while still enjoying its warmth through the leaves. It was peaceful and calming, just like the food at Mirror Lake Eatery. While writing the poetic set of instructions I kept the experience of the path in mind, and I used that set of instructions to convey my theme for the map. By replacing each element on the map with items traditionally associated with comfort, I was able to create a composition that could soothe anyone who looked at it.

This is my final composition of my map titled: The Path to Comfort.

Path outline drawn on Google Earth.

These are the different types of instructions for how to navigate the map and get to my final destination.

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El Amor


Mash Up