Project Statement

Using a shape from the Shape Grammar project as a base, I translated it into a 3-D shape and realized it looked like a house. I chose to further my study of negative space, and ran with the idea of the house motif. My goal was to create a composition that would show my own personal touch, while still utilizing the negative space inside the shape. Due to my love for interactive and surprise elements, I created many special nooks and crannies in the house. With eight windows, five heart cut-outs for an inside look, a hidden tunnel, and a door to reveal it all I ensured that there wouldn’t be any space unused. Each side had a different element made to complement and convey the house motif, while also exploring the depths of its negative space.

45° angle image of my final composition, showcases all the elements of the house working together.

Upper angle image of my final composition, showcases the inside of the house.

Bottom angle showcases the surprise cutout that reveals the tunnel.

Template that I created in Adobe illustrator for my shape.

View The Process

View The Process



