Project Statement

The Evolution of Ms. Tulip is a collection of luminaires created by Tawny Shu. It tells the story of Ms. Tulip, a glowing flower, by showing different stages Ms. Tulip has gone through to get where she is. She starts as a small flower with three petals and minimal color, then as she matures her vine thickens and she gains more color and another petal, and in her final evolution she fully blooms and sprouts many little leaves that shall grow into future glowing tulips. She finally reaches maturity and sprouts her final petals with a warm glow. The process of creating Ms. Tulip utilizes the art form of crochet to create the soft form of the luminaire. A wire frame gives stability and form to the crocheted granny squares. Ms. Tulip is intended to be a decorative and illuminating piece.

Luminaire Collection Hero shot.

Close-up detail image of luminaire.

Close-up detail image of inside of luminaire.

Below angle of luminaire.

Process image to showcase vibrance of light shining through the variegated yarn.

View The Process

View The Process


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